May 6, 2012


Hey! Yeah Nur Izzah Youp such a boring person! I don't know why coz when i hangout with my friendss, automatically my mouth cannot even talk like normal person! I'm so shy with people and i don't talk much. If my friends ask me something than i answer the question than i keep quite after that... *krek krek krekkkk* bunyi belalang!

Before this, when i hangout with my school friends yooo i can't even control my mouth! My mouth working 24/7 like machine! My character totally change. I don't why and when ehh my character totally changed?! 

I need to explore my character after write this post. Before this i was Gila Gila! I don't care about peoples! But now huh so much touching!  

May 2, 2012

No Title

Ohmaigaddd! Ohmaigaddd! Stressful! I don't have any idea what i gonna write in this No Title post. Lulz~

This week i have a project to be done and gonna pass up the project this Monday. The project is about job interview! Pffft seriously even the interview between me and my friends i'm nervous!

My confident level is too bad! I need to speak in English in this interview. My English is to to bad! That's why i choose to speak in Malay! I always think when i speak in English my friends gonna laugh at me because of my bad English! 

Huhuhu :'(